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Professional Learning

Educator Bandwidth, Burnout, and Blameless Discernment

2 years ago

Professional Learning

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In this Webinar

Back in 2015, leadership coaches Jane Kise and Ann Holm began addressing their clients’ complaints about overwork, busyness, and burnout with the latest brain research on the factors that tax or restore bandwidth. They finished validating their Brain Energy and Bandwidth Survey in 2019. And then came the COVID-19 pandemic, aggravating the trends that lead to burnout. What is bandwidth? It’s your brain’s "fuel tank." And how full it gets depends on individual habits and routines, and workplace norms and policies, that tax or restore mental bandwidth.

About the presenter

Jane Kise, EdD, CPQC, founder of Differentiated Coaching Associates, has worked as a consultant for 30 years, specializing in executive and instructional coaching and professional development. She is also the author or coauthor of over 25 books, including Doable Differentiation; Holistic Leadership, Thriving Schools; Differentiated Coaching; and Creating a Coaching Culture for Professional Learning Communities. She holds an MBA in finance from the Carlson School of Management and a doctorate in educational leadership from the University of St. Thomas, where she is an adjunct professor for the doctoral program.

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Topics covered

Professional Learning
Professional Learning

Educator Bandwidth: How to Reclaim Your Energy, Passion, and Time

It's time to make your mental bandwidth work for you. Being an educator is more stressful than ever, and teachers and administrators must constantly shift gears. You can do a quick self-check and begin fueling your brain energy: take the Educator Bandwidth Survey.

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