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A World-Class Education: Learning from International Models of Excellence and Innovation


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In the 20th century, the United States was the world leader in education—the first country to achieve universal secondary education and the first to expand higher education beyond the elite class. Now other countries are catching up and leaping ahead—in high school graduation rates, in the quality and equity of their K–12 education systems, and in the proportion of students graduating from college. It is not that American education has gotten worse so much that education in other parts of the world has gotten so much better, so fast.

Table of contents

Success Stories from Around the World

The Common Elements of Successful Systems

Developing Effective Teachers and School Leaders

Modernizing Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

About the authors

Vivien Stewart is senior education advisor and former vice president at Asia Society, where she has been leading a national effort to prepare American students and educators for the interconnected world of the 21st century. She has worked with schools around the country to broaden students' educational experiences to prepare them for work and citizenship in a global age. She has worked with states to adapt their policies to a global knowledge economy, and she has developed resources for teachers to use to promote global knowledge and skills. Stewart has also used her unique international background in education to bring together education leaders from different countries to share expertise on how to respond to the rapid transformations of globalization and the need for world-class educational systems.

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