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Building Leadership Capacity in Schools


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In this book Linda Lambert takes a close look at leadership in schools, which today involves far more than a single leader. The author defines leadership as the learning processes among participants in a community—processes that lead toward a shared sense of purpose Leadership capacity refer to the breadth of participation in leadership and the depth of skill that teachers, administrators, parents, students, and community members bring to the work.

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Connecting Capacity Building with Leadership

Arabesque Elementary School

Belvedere Middle School

About the authors

Linda Lambert is professor emeritus at California State University, Hayward. She began her career in the field of probation, where she soon discovered that influencing education held more promise for influencing the lives of children. Since then, she has worked as a teacher leader, a principal, a district and county professional development director, the coordinator of a Principals' Center and Leadership Academy, the designer of four major restructuring programs, an international consultant, and a professor.

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