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Designed to Learn: Using Design Thinking to Bring Purpose and Passion to the Classroom


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Students become attentive, curious, and passionate about learning when they can see its relevance to their lives and when they're empowered to use that learning to solve problems that matter. Regardless of the subject or grade level you teach, you can infuse your instruction with the meaning students crave by implementing design thinking. Design thinking prompts students to consider: "I've learned it. Now what am I going to do with it?"

Table of contents

Teacher and Student Roles in the Design Thinking Classroom

About the authors

Lindsay Portnoy, PhD, is a cognitive scientist and consultant working to translate research-based practices in teaching and learning to improve curriculum, assessment, and the intentional integration of emerging practices and tools to support learners. A former public school teacher, Portnoy has spent nearly two decades working in preK–12, higher ed, and informal educational settings. She is an associate teaching professor at Northeastern University's Graduate School of Education and is cofounder and chief learning officer at Killer Snails.

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