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Leading an Inclusive School: Access and Success for ALL Students


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Richard A. Villa and Jacqueline S. Thousand provide an in-depth, research-based guide for ensuring that your school provides the federally guaranteed "least restrictive environment" for students no matter the severity of the challenges they face.

Table of contents

An Inclusive School: Providing Access and Success for All

The Rationales for Creating and Maintaining Inclusive Schools

The Foundation: Administrative Leadership and Support in Managing Complex Change

Collaborative Planning and Problem Solving

About the authors

Richard A. Villa is President of Bayridge Consortium, Inc. His primary field of expertise is the development of administrative and instructional support systems for educating all students within general education settings.

Villa is recognized as an educational leader who motivates and works collaboratively with others to implement current and emerging exemplary educational practices. He has been a classroom teacher, special education administrator, pupil personnel services director, and director of instructional services, and has authored 19 books and more than 120 articles and chapters.

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