Marching to Different Drummers, 2nd Edition
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Initially published in 1985, Marching to Different Drummers was one of the first sources to pull together information on what was a newly flourishing topic in education. Now, more than a decade later, this revised and expanded edition takes a fresh look at the subject. Among the new chapters are a discussion of the importance of knowledge about students' culture, learning styles in light of recent discoveries about the functioning of the brain, and how learning styles relate to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.
Table of contents
Part I: Diversity in Education
Diversity and Learning
Style: One Kind of Difference
About the authors

Pat Burke Guild is the owner of Pat Guild Associates in Seattle, Washington. This organization trains administrators, teachers, parents, and people in business and other professions to use personal diversity productively in communication, team building, management, teaching, and learning. She is a full-time faculty member of Woodring College of Education at Western Washington University. She has been coordinator of Learning Style Programs at Seattle Pacific University; Director of Education at Antioch University, Seattle; Visiting Faculty at United States International University, Nairobi, Kenya; and an adjunct faculty member of several other universities. She has worked in teacher education and staff development for more than 25 years, was an elementary school principal in Massachusetts, and was a teacher in New York City and Connecticut. She earned her doctorate in International Education and Teacher Education at the University of Massachusetts in 1980. Her dissertation is titled “Learning Styles: Knowledge, Issues and Applications for Classroom Teachers.” She can be reached at Box 99131, Seattle, WA 98199, 206-282-3420 (phone and fax) and (e-mail).

Stephen Garger is Associate Professor and Director of Teacher Education/Chair, Department of Teacher Education at Marist College. He has been a high school teacher, counselor, coach, and administrator in New York City; Missoula, Montana; and Seattle and Issaquah, Washington; and a faculty member at Central College of Iowa, the University of Portland (Oregon) and Education Department Chair at Trinity College of Vermont. Steve has conducted numerous learning styles sessions throughout the United States as well as in Canada and Mexico. He earned his doctorate in Educational Leadership at Seattle University in 1982. His dissertation is titled “Learning Styles: A State of the Art and a Curriculum Design for Application.” Garger can be reached at Marist College, Department of Teacher Education, 290 North Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387 USA; 914-575-3000 (phone) and (e-mail).