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Reframing Teacher Leadership to Improve Your School


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Do you want your school or district to truly become a learning organization? How do you foster lasting and meaningful change? How do you avoid rejection of your new approach to teaching and learning? If you've been involved in a school change effort, you most likely have struggled with these questions. To ease this struggle, Douglas B. Reeves has proposed a new framework to promote effective change efforts through teacher leadership. In this book, you will explore not only cutting-edge research findings, but also practical applications that can help improve student achievement and educational equity. You can learn how to achieve lasting results as an educator and school leader. You can learn from other teacher researchers how to infuse your classroom, school, or district with enthusiasm, meaningful teaching, improved results, and greater satisfaction.

Table of contents


The Leadership Imperative

From Reflection to Resilience: Creating the Network for a Learning Organization

Barriers to Teacher Leadership

About the authors

Douglas B. Reeves is the author of more than 100 articles and 40 books on educational leadership and student achievement and has worked with numerous education, business, nonprofit, and government organizations throughout the world.

Reeves is the founder of Creative Leadership Solutions, a non-profit with the mission to improve educational opportunities for students using creative solutions for leadership, policy, teaching, and learning. He was twice named to the Harvard University Distinguished Authors Series, and received the Contribution to the Field Award from the National Staff Development Council (now Learning Forward) and was named the Brock International Laureate for his contributions to education.

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