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Short on Time: How do I make time to lead and learn as a principal? (ASCD Arias)


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There's never enough time. Sound familiar? This might be the most common lament voiced by school principals today. How can we find time to meet students' and teachers' needs, foster ingenuity and innovation, and apply best practices when so much is demanding our attention right this minute?

Table of contents

It's About Time

A Time for Maximizing Learning

A Time for Collaborative Growth

Making Time

About the authors

William Sterrett serves as Professor and Department Chair of Educational Leadership at Baylor University. Previously, as a principal in Virginia, Sterrett received the 2008 Milken National Educator Award. Sterrett earned his B.S. in Middle Grades Education from Asbury College (Kentucky) and his Ph.D. in Educational Administration & Supervision from the University of Virginia.

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