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Students at the Center: Personalized Learning with Habits of Mind


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Educators' most important work is to help students develop the intellectual and social strength of character necessary to live well in the world. The way to do this, argue authors Bena Kallick and Allison Zmuda, is to increase the say students have in their own learning and prepare them to navigate complexities they face both inside and beyond school. This means rethinking traditional teacher and student roles and reexamining goal setting, lesson planning, assessment, and feedback practices. It means establishing classrooms that prioritize

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Toward a More Student-Driven Practice

About the authors

Bena Kallick is the cofounder/codirector of the Institute for Habits of Mind and cofounder for Eduplanet21. Her areas of focus include group dynamics, creative and critical thinking, personalized learning, and alternative assessment strategies in the classroom.

Kallick also created a children's museum based on problem solving and invention. She taught at Yale University School of Organization and Management, University of Massachusetts Center for Creative and Critical Thinking, and Union Graduate School. She served on the board of Jobs for the Future and was a cofounder of Performance Pathways. She provides consulting services for school districts, state departments of education, professional organizations, and public agencies internationally.

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