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Teacher Observation and Feedback (Quick Reference Guide for Leaders)


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Observation and feedback made easy for school principals. One of the most important responsibilities of a school leader is to observe and evaluate teachers. In this quick reference guide for school leaders, leadership expert and former principal Jen Schwanke provides some tips and strategies to ensure your process for observation and feedback is collaborative, is supportive, and promotes professional growth.

About the authors

Jen Schwanke, EdD, is a longtime educator who has taught or led at all levels. She is the author of three previous books: You're the Principal! Now What?, The Principal ReBoot, and The Teacher's Principal. She has written for Educational Leadership Magazine, Choice Literacy, Education Week Teacher, Principal, and Principal Navigator.

Dr. Schwanke is a cohost of the popular "Principal Matters" podcast and has presented at conferences for ASCD, NAESP, Battelle for Kids, RRCNA, and various state and local education organizations. She has provided professional development to various districts in the areas of school climate, personnel, and instructional leadership. An adjunct graduate instructor in educational administration, Dr. Schwanke currently serves as a deputy superintendent in Ohio.

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