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The EQ Way: How Emotionally Intelligent School Leaders Navigate Turbulent Times


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The EQ Way is a reflection tool for leaders navigating difficult times—and difficult emotions—in their schools.

Table of contents

Chapter 2. Emotions and the Clarity of Your Vision During Difficult Times

Chapter 3. Creating and Leading Emotionally Intelligent Teams

Chapter 4. Increasing the Emotional Intelligence of Your School Culture

About the authors

Ignacio Lopez is an educational psychologist, author, and leader focused on supporting the development of educators and education organizations that embrace inclusive, emotionally intelligent, and culturally relevant learning environments. In his writing, Lopez provides helpful, relevant, and research-based leadership and instructional strategies that help educators challenge their own mindsets and practices toward advancing the academic and social emotional lives of the students they serve.

Lopez has been a high school teacher, administrator, college dean, community college president, and elected school board member in Illinois. He is the author of Keeping It Real and Relevant.


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