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November 1, 2018
Vol. 76
No. 3

Seen on the Screen / Learning Walks: Better Together

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    Professional Learning
    Seen on the Screen / Learning Walks: Better Together thumbnail
      Always on the lookout for new and innovative instructional practices, teams of teachers at the Wyoming Lab School in Laramie, Wyoming, routinely go on "learning walks" together to observe their peers' classrooms. These rapid-fire observations—teams visit 5–10 classrooms for about five minutes each—are followed by ample time for discussion and reflection. Watch the Edutopia video, "Learning Walks: Structured Observations for Teachers" for learning walk protocols, best practices, and reflection questions.

      EL’s experienced team of writers and editors produces Educational Leadership magazine, an award-winning publication that reaches hundreds of thousands of K-12 educators and leaders each year. Our work directly supports the mission of ASCD: To empower educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. 

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