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November 1, 2018
Vol. 76
No. 3

Readers React

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Classroom Management
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September 2018 Classroom Management Reimagined

Helpful Storytelling

I enjoyed [Bret Turner]'s terrific article on storytelling. I have found, as well, that storytelling is central to a joyful, trusting, close-knit classroom community. He did a beautiful job showcasing how you accomplish that. I loved reading about "The Land of the List."
Regie Routman, mentor teacher and leader, Seattle, Washington
I am a speech language pathologist and a doctoral student, working on evaluating a storytelling/social-emotional intervention I've developed for kids who have autism and blindness. I've found that collaborative storytelling is a wonderful context for building connections between students and validating the creative ideas that are often squelched by well-meaning "social skills lessons" and formulaic writing. I usually scribe the group stories and find that the kids love to create "epochs" of their own. … I appreciate [Bret Turner] sharing [his] experiences and validating my thoughts on the value of this activity!
Linda Hagood, Washington State School for the Blind, Vancouver, Washington

All About Relationships

H. Richard Milner IV's column ["Are the Kids Really Out of Control"] is a phenomenal read. The statement, "Education is a human endeavor rooted in relationships" has me in the corner taking a standing eight count. I'm moving away from business-as-usual classroom management and moving toward a system that makes growth conducive for students and teachers.
Bennie A. Bradley (@GmecockPrincipl) Assistant Principal at Guilford County Schools, North Carolina

We're Glad to Help Guide!

Really loving the new "Guiding Questions" segments in articles. Well done.
Fred Ende (@FredEnde) Assist. Director of Curriculum, Putnam/Northern Westchester, New York

Better Group Work

Larissa Pahomov's article on group projects is yet another example of something I was "sort of" doing and can now make even more precise and effective.
Dustin Voss (@TeacherVoss) Teacher, Fenger High School, Chicago, Illinois

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