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June 1, 2020
Vol. 77
No. 9

There's a Time-Saving App for That

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To find out more about how educators manage their time, we turned to the @ELMagazine Twitter network for tips on helpful apps. Always quick to share solutions, our followers highlighted a range of tools that help them organize their tasks and track their to-do's.

Forest Issac Jones (@DrForestIssac)

Evernote is amazing. The app is free (unless you want to pay for extras). You can compose & save notes, use the camera, and set up reminders. It is definitely the best app for me in terms of keeping organized with my "to-do list" and other items.

Jill Harrison Berg (@Teachers_Lead)

I couldn't do without Errands To-Do List, which helps me keep track of everything I have to do personally & professionally, to schedule tasks for specific days, and keep notes or sublists for each.

Meagan Dwyer (@MeaganDwyer21)

Wakelet organizes all the [online] articles and resources for me!

Christina Bauer (@CHUHtechnology)

Google Keep is an amazing tool because I can "keep" all my sticky notes and checklists in a digital format! I use the desktop app as I read Gmail to create reminders and to-do lists for myself. With the app, I check items off and add ideas and even photos from classroom visits.

Dedra Stafford (@dedrasedu)

OneNote—app and desktop. Keeps emails, posts, PDFs, pics, and voice recordings. To-Do [tags] can be added and everything is easily found with impressive search features.

Jessica Newby (@jnewby_FLTCC)

Boomerang for emailing. I love that I can create messages [in Gmail] ahead of time and schedule when to send them! Also, [I can] delete messages from my inbox but have them reappear if I don't get a response after a certain amount of time.

MizzH2os (@MizzH2os)

For me it would be Office 365. We use it for emailing, document storage, sharing, collaboration, and calendaring, just to name a few. It also allows me to access my communication and organizational tools from multiple devices.

Inna Slisher (@ELL_InnaSlisher)

I use Reminders on my phone—my lists transfer to Outlook and they keep me on track every day.

Michelle Young (@carrma1001)

Todoist is the app I use to organize all work and home tasks. At work, it allows me to create projects, prioritize them, schedule recurring responsibilities, and move items around as necessary. I would be lost without it.

Chris Atkinson (@ChrisLAtkinson)

Trello!!!! It's my everything to-do list. I keep boards for all kinds of things! Best productivity tool EVER!

Denise Fichner (@denise4edtech)

I create a [meeting] agenda in Google Docs which then becomes the minutes & use the "assign tasks" function to follow up. Sometimes I have answers to questions before leaving the meeting!

Joanne Zeidman (@JayRoZee)

ClassDojo for communication with parents, event scheduling, engaging parents, and private messaging.

Naomi Harm (@naomiharm)

I use "One Click Timer," a Chrome extension, as a brain-friendly acoustic guitar timer when facilitating professional learning w/ edu's, admins, & Ss. When modeled, it allows edu's to work in groups w/ specific team collaboration time. When the timer goes off, everyone comes back to the large group w/ music.

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Time Well-Managed
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