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Analytic Processes for School Leaders


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How do you make a decision? How do you know you've made a good one? Whether you're a 7th grade student selecting a science fair project, or a school board choosing a superintendent, the basic requirements of decision making are the same. You need information and the ability to analyze that information effectively. This is rational thinking, and it doesn't happen by accident. It's an acquired skill.

Table of contents


Decision Analysis: What's Our Best Choice?

Potential Problem Analysis: What Could Go Wrong? Guarding Against Future Trouble

About the authors

Cynthia T. Richetti is Vice President of the Tregoe Education Forum. She works with teachers and administrators from elementary, middle, and high schools in urban, rural, and suburban districts in the development and implementation of critical-thinking skills projects. Her areas of expertise include instructional materials development, adult learning, results measurement, culture change, and team building.

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