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Fighting for Change in Your School: How to Avoid Fads and Focus on Substance


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In this indispensable book for K–12 leaders, Harvey Alvy offers a thoughtful roadmap and guidance to help educators select, implement, and assess school- or districtwide initiatives that actually work. The book is filled with a wealth of resources—action checklists, principles to guide educators, and in-depth questions and protocols—for engaging in collaborative professional development activities that strengthen teaching and learning practices and improve student achievement.

Table of contents

The Narrative Trap and Building a Collaborative Learning Community

Overpromising and Overloading and Effectively Using Human, Fiscal, and Material Resources

Minimizing the Enormous Difficulty of Implementation and Respecting the Change Process

About the authors

Harvey Alvy served as a practicing principal for 14 years, gaining both elementary and secondary administrative experience. His teaching career began as an inner-city elementary school teacher in New York City. Alvy later taught in middle and high schools in the United States and abroad. 

Alvy is a founding member of the Principals' Training Center for International Schools and was an NAESP National Distinguished Principal. He held the William C. Shreeve Endowed Professorship in Educational Administration at Eastern Washington University (EWU), where he now serves as a Professor Emeritus. In 2004, he received the EWU CenturyTel Faculty Achievement Award for Teaching Excellence.

He conducts workshops, both nationally and internationally, on the newcomer to the principalship, instructional leadership, ethical leadership, characteristics of great teachers, shaping collaborative school cultures, educational trends related to supervision, and the leadership of Abraham Lincoln. 

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