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What Can I Take Off Your Plate? A Structural—and Sustainable—Approach to Countering Teacher Burnout


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Teacher burnout demands systemic solutions, not "self-care." Learn what leaders can do to actively reduce frustration and provide real, sustaining support for all staff.

Table of contents

Part I. Systems and Structures That Combat Low Teacher Motivation and Satisfaction

Chapter 2. The Gift of Time

About the authors

Jill Handley, EdD, is the assistant superintendent of multilingual learners in Jefferson County Public Schools (Kentucky). Prior to this role, she was the award-winning principal of Kenwood Elementary. During her 16-year tenure as principal, she led her school to be recognized for several achievements, including National School of Character, National Distinguished ESEA School, and the first Family Friendly Certified school in the state of Kentucky.

Handley is a highly sought after speaker and presenter and inspires educators from around the world through her highly engaging workshop sessions. In addition to leading her own school, she mentors new and aspiring principals, has authored and been featured in a variety of publications, and is the host of Be The Leader You Deserve podcast.

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