The Classroom Behavior Manual: How to Build Relationships with Students, Share Control, and Teach Positive Behaviors
During this two-day, six-hour, interactive workshop, former teacher and author Scott Ervin will teach attendees how to build relationships, share control, and teach positive behaviors in the classroom through explicit strategy instruction. This will not be a "why" workshop. It will be a "how" workshop. While reasons for student negative behaviors will be addressed, both days of the workshop will concentrate on exactly how to effectively create and maintain a classroom where students can feel safe, loved, and where they will be able to learn to use positive, pro-social behaviors.
Who should attend?
Grade Levels
About the Authors
Scott Ervin has worked with extremely difficult, at-risk, abused, and neglected kids for more than two decades. He has served as a principal, superintendent, and discipline specialist. As a consultant and founder of Ervin Educational Consulting, he has traveled the country teaching parents and educators alike how to be calm and assertive with children.
Ervin has taught classroom management as an adjunct professor at Antioch University Midwest and as a visiting lecturer at Ohio University, University of Dayton, and Wright State University. He also writes a syndicated newspaper column, "Ask the Kid Whisperer." For more information, go to the website or email.
Workshop Materials
Note: Workshop materials are not included in the workshop registration fee but are required for participation and must be purchased separately.
The Classroom Behavior Manual: How to Build Relationships with Students, Share Control, and Teach Positive Behaviors
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